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自一九九四年创建以后,积极引进高素质的技术和管理人才,完善管理机制,学习同行业成功发展的宝贵经验,获得了长足稳定的发展,一跃成为本地区的知名品牌。多次荣获省部委的表彰,是河北省质量检验协会认定的 “河北省产品质量世纪承诺知名品牌” 。

“方华”系列办公家具以进口三聚氢氨双饰面板和国产高档防火板为主要原料,生产全部采用流水线作业,结构设计采用全方位组合形式,适合于不同环境下应用,适合我国多变的办公环境的特点。产品种类由以下的单一产品发展到现在的包括 写字楼办公隔断、写字台、老板台、电脑桌、会议桌在内的数十种产品。


“方华”为客户提供一流产品的同时,本着“心诚、务实、质优、价廉”的经营理念,在家具行业里再创新高,方华产品以其新颖的款式,独特的风格,引领时代办公新潮流,带给您非凡的享受。 您的需求,我们的追求。


值此, 方华办公家具网站新版正式开通之际,我谨代表方华全体同仁通过Internet向你们致以朋友的问候!


方华办公设备厂将以更完善的服务更诚实、守信的宗旨,为朋友们提供更好的产品。让我们携起手来共创辉煌! 总经理方志民携全体员工顺颂商祺!

Fanghua office equipment is located in one of the largest furniture production and sales bases in the country - xianghe, is a professional design, production and sales of office furniture large enterprises.

Company since 1994 to create, and actively introduce high-quality technical and management personnel, improve the management mechanism, learn valuable experience in the development of the successful enterprises in the same industry, the company won the rapid and stable development, has become a well-known enterprises in the region.It has been honored many times by provincial ministries and commissions, and is recognized by the quality inspection association of hebei province as "the well-known brand enterprise of hebei product quality century".

"Kare wa" series of office furniture to import gather hydrogen ammonia three double panel and domestic high-grade fire prevention board as the main raw material, production all adopt assembly line work, structural design adopts comprehensive combination form, suitable for different application environment, suitable for the characteristics of various office environment in China.The product category is developed from the following single products to the current office space

Dozens of products, such as broken, writing desk, desk, computer desk and conference table.

Enterprise strictly the quality pass, to ensure that substandard products do not flow to the market, the pursuit of high quality and first-class after-sales service, the combination of the "kare wa furniture allows you to buy the rest assured that with the right".The products are sold in dozens of large and medium-sized cities in China, serving tens of thousands of users.

"Kare wa" to provide customers with first-class products at the same time, in line with the payoff, pragmatic, high quality, low price "business philosophy, in the furniture industry hit a record high, kare wa products with its innovative design, unique style, lead the new trend of the era of office, to bring you the special enjoyment.Your needs, our pursuit.

Dear old and new customers,

On the occasion of the new edition of the office furniture website, I would like to extend our greetings to you on behalf of all my colleagues on the Internet.

Thank you for your support and love for many years. I wish all of us to develop together in the future!

Fanghua office equipment factory will provide better products for our friends with more perfect service, honest and trustworthy purpose.Let us join hands to create brilliant!General manager fang zhimin with all staff best regards!

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二维码 13703261752 0316-8800739